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Wicked’s First Trailer Has Some Fans Confused Online About Part Two Footage


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By and large, movie musicals are a tried and true genre that’s capable of performing at the box office, and even winning Best Picture Oscars. Following the release of Mean Girls (see our review here), the next highly anticipated addition to the genre will be Jon M. Chu‘s pair of Wicked movies. The first trailer for Wicked finally arrived during the Super Bowl, but some fans are confused about Part Two footage seemingly being included. Let’s break it all down.

What we know about Wicked is limited, but Chu made the decision to make two different movies, which should allow for an accurate adaptation of the stage musical. But after the trailer debuted, folks on Twitter sounded off, confused by footage shown that should presumably be in Part Two. The inclusion of Dorothy was particularly puzzling, as one fan shared: 

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