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The Rock’s Return Leaves WWE With A Huge Decision And 3 Major Options


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Finally, The Rock has come back to WWE, and while his exact plans haven’t been made public, all indications are his return will culminate with a match against Roman Reigns. It’s a dream scenario for both WWE and the real life cousins who have long dreamed of wrestling each other, but it also presents WWE with a huge decision to make, specifically as it relates to Roman Reigns’ WrestleMania plans.

After Cody Rhodes returned as Seth Rollins’ heavily rumored WrestleMania 38 opponent back in 2022, he told fans he was back to finish the story. His father, wrestling legend Dusty Rhodes, tried and failed to win The WWE Championship back in his day, and like a dutiful son carrying on his father’s legacy, he was back to beat Roman Reigns and claim the belt for their family. The majority of fans thought he’d do just that in the main event at WrestleMania 39 last year, but a funny thing happened on the way to his victory, he lost. I was there, and to say fans were surprised would be an understatement. Most walked out of the venue in complete silence, and the reaction even from former wrestlers was shock.

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