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The beautiful island country that’s 28C in March and a direct flight from UK | World | News

The beautiful island country that’s 28C in March and a direct flight from UK | World | News

by extreme hd iptv

As Easter approaches, thousands of Brits are thinking about when they might go on holiday.

While some may opt to head to the seaside towns and villages of the UK, others might decide to go east to the beautiful cities dotted around Europe.

For those who choose to go west, there is also an array of options available including the USA and the countries which make up Central and South America.

One of the most popular destinations for holidaymakers is a pretty island which sits just off the coast of the USA, one with a fascinating and exciting history.

Cuba is just under 100 miles south of Florida’s coastline, but despite its distance from its much bigger neighbour, the two are inextricably linked through tourism and politics. Direct flights from the UK are available from London Gatwick.

When it comes to the former, Cuba has become extremely popular in recent years as it has opened up more and more to foreign visitors who help boost the economy.

What’s more, even in the depths of March, when temperatures are almost freezing in the UK, Cuba sees relatively high temperatures to rival Britain’s summer peaks.

According to travel provider Thomas Cook, the average temperature in the country’s capital in March is around 28C.

They added: “Things stay nice and warm in the evenings, which only cool to 19ºC. The sea temperature is 26ºC, so it’s ideal for swimming, while humidity’s moderate.”

Once in Cuba, there are plenty of things for people to see and do. As well as being spoilt for choice when it comes to beaches, tourists can also walk around Old Havana, the Valle de Vinales, the Old Square and the Plaza de la Catedral.

However, the cars are also the stars on Cuba’s streets as the cities are filled with 1950s Americana that has been kept going for over 70 years.

Lonely Planet explained in 2022: “Due to the interminable US trade embargo, the streets of Havana and Santiago de Cuba are filled with a rich assortment of ageing Buicks, Pontiacs, Oldsmobiles, and Plymouths that hark back to an age when Detroit still manufactured the planet’s most sophisticated motors.

“Starved of access to spare American parts and unable to afford modern replacements from Japan or Europe, the Cubans have been forced to adapt and be creative. Many of their geriatric cars have been reconfigured and hybridised.”

However, while Cuba is an attractive tourist destination, some Britons may be concerned about whether it is safe for them to go there.

In their travel advice for the country, the UK government said: “Levels of crime are generally lower than in the UK, but the difficult economic situation means opportunistic crime is increasing. Muggings are a risk, particularly at night.”

However, they warned: “Cuba is ruled by a single party, with a high level of social control. Opposition parties are not allowed. There are restrictions on the freedom of speech, association and assembly for Cuban nationals.

“Any political demonstrations not approved by the government may be broken up by the authorities. Avoid any demonstrations or large gatherings and follow the advice of the local authorities. Internet access can sometimes be blocked during times of political tension.”

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by extreme hd iptv

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