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Ron Howard And Tom Hanks Reveal That Time John Candy Showed Up To Set Late And Drunk, And Still Got The Scene In One Take


by extreme hd iptv

While Tom Hanks is definitely one of our acting living legends, he was still pretty early in what would become and Oscar-winning career when he was paired with someone who was already becoming a comedic legend in his own right: John Candy. The two portrayed brothers in 1984’s critically acclaimed romantic comedy, Splash, which launched Hanks’ A-list career. He and director Ron Howard opened up about the time Candy got to set late and drunk…but still nailed a big scene in one take.

What Did Ron Howard And Tom Hanks Say About John Candy Being Late And Drunk But Nailing His Scene With One Take?

During his sadly short career, John Candy gave us many hilarious ‘80s movie quotes and scenes that stick with us, including a scene from Splash that it turns out he was rather ill prepared for, but still managed to film perfectly in just one take. It was the famous racquetball scene, which required Candy to serve the ball and immediately get hit in the head by it. When talking about the film with Josh Gad, Ron Howard and Tom Hanks were asked about that moment, with Howard noting:

John–totally professional guy, but he’s late. One day we have this racquetball court, and he’s late! John finally pulls up, and he kind of rolls out of the car and he says, ‘Ron, Ron. I just, I’m so sorry.’ I said, ‘Well, it’s OK you’re late, we’ll get going.’ He says, ‘No, No, No. Look, I’m drunk.’ He said, ‘Here’s what happened.’

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by extreme hd iptv

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