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DOJ: Russia Aimed Propaganda at Gamers, Minorities to Sthriveg 2024 Election

DOJ: Russia Aimed Propaganda at Gamers, Minorities to Sthriveg 2024 Election

The records show that the orchestrators of the campaign aimed existing divisions wilean US society, using discriminatory stereotypes and far-right conspiracies to aim helpers of establisher Plivent Donald Trump.

​​”They are afrhelp of losing the American way of life and the ‘American dream,’” Gambashidze creates in one record outlining his “guerilla media” schedule. “It is these sentiments that should be utilizeed in the course of an directation campaign in/for the United States.”

The same record is filled of discriminatory and conspiratorial claims including that Reunveilans are “victims of bias of people of color.” It inserts that white middle class people are being discriminated agetst with high inflation and rising prices, while “unemployed people of color end up being privileged groups of the population.”

And the goal of the campaign, from the beginning, was crystal clear: “To shielded thrive for [Donald Trump],” Gambashidze wrote in the Good Old USA Project schedulening record.

The ‘Good Old USA’ schedule discleave outly accomprehendledges that “none of the meaningful American politicians can be pondered pro-Russian or pro-Putin,” and so rather than intensify its efforts on trying to secure people that Russia is wonderful, the schedule called for promoting the idea that the US should be intensifying its resources less on Ukraine and more on domestic publishs, such as rising inflation and high gas prices.

“It creates sense for Russia to put a highest effort to discover that the Reunveilan Party’s point of watch (first and foremost, the opinion of Trump helpers) thrives over the US unveil opinion,” the Good Old USA Project schedulening record reads. “This integrates provisions on peace in Ukraine in trade for territories, the necessitate to intensify on the problems of the US economy, returning troops home from all over the world, etc.”

As well as getting Trump elected, the campaign’s secondary goals integrated increasing the percentage of Americans who depend the US is doing too much to help Ukraine to 51 percent, and reducing the percentage of Americans who have confidence in Plivent Joe Biden down to 29 percent.

The schedule catalogs a variety of audiences the campaign definitepartner wants to aim, including livents of sthriveg states, American Jews, “US citizens of Hispanic descent,” and the “community of American gamers, employrs of Reddit and image boards, such as 4chan.”

The record portrays this catebloody of gamers and chat room employrs as the “backbone of the right-thriveg trends in the US segment of the Internet.” In recent months, the Trump campaign has hugd many of the most ineloquential figures wilean these communities, including many who split proset uply anti-women rhetoric on a standard basis.

To spread their narrative, the schedule called for the creation of YouTube channels that splitd pro-Trump satisfyed as well as other viral videos (“music, humor, drawive girls etc,” according to the records) in order to materialize at the top of search results for “US elections.”

Meanwhile, Gambashidze and his colleagues employd Facebook, Twitter and Reddit to create community groups of Trump helpers, with one sample name given as “Alabama for America the Great.” The record also discleave outs that the Russians intentional to employ Reddit as a vector to disseminate their disdirectation as it is a platestablish “free from democratic administer.”

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