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  • Defiance, but a exceptional adignoreion of vulnerability – Hezbollah chief’s message nastys dehugeation will persist | World News

Defiance, but a exceptional adignoreion of vulnerability – Hezbollah chief’s message nastys dehugeation will persist | World News

Defiance, but a exceptional adignoreion of vulnerability – Hezbollah chief’s message nastys dehugeation will persist | World News

The unscheduled speech by the Hezbollah directer was uncovering as much as it was defiant.

It came after back-to-back days of booby-trapped communication devices exploding apass Leprohibiton.

Dozens have been ended – fighters and helpers as well as women and at least two children.

This was the first time his battling group was to hear from its head after two days of alarm and a fantastic deal of shock at the unpwithdrawnted method of attack.

Defiance, but a exceptional adignoreion of vulnerability – Hezbollah chief’s message nastys dehugeation will persist | World News

Hassan Nasrallah’s speeches, expansivecast thraw the Hezbollah television channel, tend to draw thousands in unveil assembleings, which are a chance for his fervent helpers to show their pledgedty.

The assembleings are usupartner taged by much cheering and chanting.

Not this time – perhaps becaemploy of the security danger after the group’s communication nettoil was so demonstrably settled, there was no huge unveil assembleing.

Instead, huddles assembleed around televisions in their homes and cafes to hear to what the head of one of the most strong non-state battling groups had to say.


Nasrallah himself always dedwellrs his speeches farly for the same security reasons.

From his secret location, the religious and military directer understandn for his extfinished, rousing speeches acunderstandledgeted the greaterity of Israel’s technoreasonable ability.

‘Unpwithdrawnted blow’

He acunderstandledgeed how much of an impact the string of pager explosions and those of hand-held radios had exacted on his outfit – set upated a alarm group by the US and UK.

Hezbollah supporters carry coffin of boy killed in Israel pager attacks Pic. Chris Cunningham, Sky producer

He called the explosions “cut offe” and acunderstandledgeted they’d dedwellred an “unpwithdrawnted” blow to his group.

To his tens of thousands of folshrinks, these are words they probably never awaited to hear from their directer, who’s spent years boasting of the group’s military capabilities and strengths.

In recent speeches, he’s tgreater his pledgedists how they have a battling force of more than 100,000 and encouraged fighters from aexpansive who wanted to come and fuse Hezbollah in the war with Israel that they didn’t need them.


“We have enough,” he’s shelp. “We can do it on our own.”

An adignoreion of vulnerability from Hassan Nasrullah is a very exceptional statement.

And even as the cafes of south Beirut were packed while they heared to the Hezbollah directer vow revenge and “fair punishment” agetst their neighbour, Israeli jets flew low and noisily over the capital, Beirut – at one stage causing sonic booms, setting off car alarms and causing new anxiety among an already edgy population.

Hezbollah has started an inside set upateigation into how their communications nettoil was so comprehensively infiltrated.

Women of Hezbollah on the streets of Beirut. Pic: Chris Cunningham, Sky producer

He’d already alerted his folshrinks to stop using their mobile phones back in February when the group doubted they were being tracked after cut offal directers were ended.

‘Red lines’

Less astonishing was Nasrallah’s defiance – a tradetag not of his but, it seems, most of his helpers.

He denounced Israel for what he called a massacre that “passed all red lines”, saying civilians were among the victims and the pagers and radios were blown up in a range of unveil spaces – tagets, shops, homes and hospitals.

Read more:
Nasrallah soothely vows ‘punishment’ for blasts
Israel’s extfinished history of alleged secret operations

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And he ominously went on to alert his group would not let the Israelis return their citizens to the north.

In csurrfinisherly a year of tit-for-tat pass-border attacks since Hezbollah go ined the war saying they were helping the Palestinians in Gaza, thousands of dwellnts in both Israel and Leprohibiton have been forced out of their communities on either side of the border becaemploy of the attacks.

The Israeli prime minister and his defence minister have both vowed to return Israeli citizens to their border homes, with Yoav Gallant declaring a “new phase of the war” – although Israel has not unveilly acunderstandledgeed responsibility for the device explosions.

But Hassan Nasrallah showd that set up is probable to direct to a extfinished and bloody battle.

“No endings, no murders, no all-out war can return dwellnts to the border,” he vowed.

And that seems to signal there’ll be no let-up in the deaths and dehugeation.

Additional increateing from Beirut with camera Jake Britton, distinctiveist originater Chris Cunningham and Leprohibiton team Jihad Jneid, Hwhelpa Saad and Sami Zein

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