Chris Hemsworth has written a heartwarming message to Australian singer Sean Millis to support him amid his battle with online trolls.
The Marvel actor has reached out to The Voice Australia contestant, who suffers from a rare genetic disorder called Hunter Syndrome, to encourage him to stay positive in the face of online abuse.
“Hey mate your (sic) a champion, keep spreading the love and positive energy,” Hemsworth wrote in a comment underneath Millis’ recent Instagram video. “Let me ask you this, how many of those people who throw hurtful comments your way have you ever met in person? I bet not many! Because most of them hide under a rock or a blocked account with all the other cowards who are afraid to ever be vulnerable and put themselves out there because they’re afraid of being rejected themselves so they attack the world before it attacks them. What a lonely existence that must be.”
The 40-year-old actor encouraged his fellow Australian to focus on the opinions of people who know him personally.
“Don’t even look at that rubbish mate, don’t even give them that satisfaction,” he instructed. “The only comments you need to give value to are from people who love and support you brother and above all else your own opinion of yourself which I know from having spent time with you is one of value and gratitude.”
The Thor star commended Millis, 22, for staying optimistic amid the trolling and went on to share the benefits of being kind to others.
“Did you know that by being part of a simple act of kindness we can positively change our brain by boosting levels of serotonin and dopamine,” he wrote. “The recipient of a kind act also receives a boost of oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin as does an observer of that action! Pretty simple formula for a happy life but man do we complicate it at times.”
Praising Millis, Hemsworth concluded, “You my friend are one incredibly kind soul and I thank you for that, keep it up!”