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Batman Will Have to Prove His Escape Artist Skills Against His Most Difficult Opponent Ever: Himself

by extreme hd iptv


  • In the upcoming
    #146, Batman must escape a prison that he designed himself, testing his escape artist credentials like never before.
  • Zur-En-Arrh, Bruce’s “back-up personality,” who has officially become a separate being from Batman, has imprisoned Bruce, putting his incredible escape artist capabilities to the test like never before.
  • Batman faces the greatest escape challenge in his long history, as he tries to escape a prison designed by himself, to hold himself.



Warning! Contains Potential Spoilers For Batman #146!

Being an effective crime fighter requires many different skills, and consequently, Batman has spent a good portion of his life learning everything that he would ever need to take down his enemies. Now his escapology skills will be put to the ultimate test, as Batman has to escape a prison that was designed by his own mind.

For the past several months, Batman has been struggling against his alternate personality, Zur-En-Arrh, and this has finally reached a major breaking point, as Zur locks Bruce into a prison. Now, Batman must escape a cell that was specifically made by his own mind, designed to keep him trapped.

Batman #146 (2024)

Yasmine Putri variant cover for Batman #146

Release Date:

April 2nd 2024


Chip Zdarsky


Jorge Jimenez and Michele Bandini

Cover Artist:

Jorge Jimenez

Variant Covers:

Yasmine Putri, Gabriele Dell’otto, Matteo Scalera, Jorge Fornes, Jim Lee

The explosive “Dark Prisons” continues as Batman learns from an old mentor what Zur’s plans are for Gotham City…and the world! Can the Dark Knight escape from a prison designed by the ultimate version of himself? And what nefarious role does The Joker play in all of this?

Now that Zur-En-Arrh has inhabited the Failsafe Android, he’s become an entirely separate being from Batman. This has allowed him to create contingency plans completely free of Batman, and one of those plans was a prison to hold Bruce Wayne if it was ever necessary.

No DC UniverseThreat Could Test Batman More Than Himself

When Bruce Wayne lost his parents, he swore that he would fight crime in any shape it took. This resulted in Batman traveling the world for years, training under the best mentors he could find to become a master of every skill he needed. This included every form of martial arts, psychology, investigation, and escapology. There’s been plenty of times that Batman has been captured, and he’s always managed to escape. However, his current prison will be his toughest yet, testing his escape artist credentials like never before.

Zur-En-Arrh has recently taken over Failsafe’s body. This allows Zur to act with complete independence from Batman. Zur is a “pure” version of Batman, who cares nothing for the Bat-Family, or anything other than the mission. Zur even offered Bruce the ability to retire, and he refused, forcing Zur to imprison him somewhere. Now, Batman is going to have to figure out a way to escape a prison that Batman literally created to hold Batman. This will be the greatest test of Batman’s escape skills in the character’s long history.

Zur Is Free To Kill Bruce’s Villains While He Remains Trapped

Featured Image: Zur-En-Arrh (left) and Batman (right)

Batman has extract himselfed from some truly absurd situations in his time. It is well documented that Batman can disappear when people aren’t looking, even in confined spaces. Throughtout the years, he’s had himself locked in Arkham Asylum, and then escaped, numerous times, just to test their security. Talia al Ghul once chained Batman up, locked him in a metal case, and tossed him into a pool, and he still escaped in minutes. Even still, escaping a prison specifically made by himself, to hold himself, is going to be the greatest escape challenge that Batman has ever taken on.

Batman #148 will be available April 2, 2024 from DC Comics!

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by extreme hd iptv

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