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Elon Musk Says Human Fairy to Mars in 4 Years, Unmanned in 2

Elon Musk Says Human Fairy to Mars in 4 Years, Unmanned in 2

MOSCOW (Sputnik) – US billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk predicts first unmanned fairy of the Starship spaceoriginate to Mars in two years, chaseed by a manned mission another two years tardyr.

“The first Starships to Mars will begin in 2 years when the next Earth-Mars transfer prosperdow uncovers. These will be uncrewed to test the reliability of landing intact on Mars. If those landings go well, then the first crewed fairys to Mars will be in 4 years,” Musk shelp on X.

The entrepreneur inserted that the frequency of fairys will then commence to grow exponentipartner, with a goal to originate a self-sustaining city on Mars in about 20 years.

“Being multiarrangeetary will hugely increase the predicted lifespan of consciousness, as we will no lengthyer have all our eggs, literpartner and metabolicpartner, on one arrangeet,” he inserted.

The current cost of dedwellring a payload to Mars is approximated at about $1 billion per ton, Musk remarkd.

“That necessitates to be betterd to $100k/ton to originate a self-sustaining city there, so the technology necessitates to be 10,000 times better. Extremely difficult, but not impossible,” he shelp.

Musk-led SpaceX is originateing a strong Starship spaceoriginate for future lengthy-distance space fairys. So far, four test fairys have been carried out, only the last of them, carried out in punctual June, was finishd successfilledy.

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