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8 Signs Kody Ruined Robyn’s Life & Career


by extreme hd iptv


  • Kody Brown’s negative energy is affecting his relationship with Robyn.
  • Kody neglected Meri, Janelle and Christine – this is why they left him. He’s making Robyn miserable too.
  • Robyn’s business venture My Sisterwife’s Closet possibly failed because Robyn couldn’t balance the pressures of work with Kody’s demands.



Sister Wives star Kody Brown pushed three wives away, and he’s not making Robyn happy either. For 18 seasons, viewers have watched the Brown family’s ups and downs. Last season, all the tension that Kody created due to favoring Robyn Brown came to a head, triggering some epic clashes. Christine Brown took the high road, cutting the cord but telling him she’d like to be friends. Janelle Brown tried to fight it out with Kody – she got nowhere. Meri Brown, who’s usually remarkably timid, found the gumption to tell Kody that she was moving away. Before too long, she became an ex too.

Kody isn’t the best partner. He’s very hard on women. Yes, he adores Robyn, but that doesn’t mean that he isn’t childish, egotistical and shockingly bitter. What’s weird about Kody is the fact that he obviously only wanted one wife and now acts sad because he lost the other three. What did he expect to happen, and why were they wrong to leave? Of course, they did what was right. Lately, he’s been talking about patching things up with his exes. However, it’s unlikely that they’ll forgive him. Also, every time he talks about Meri, Janelle and Christine, he probably annoys Robyn. She has enough to deal with as it is.


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8 Kody Brown’s Grumpiness Is Poisoning Robyn Brown’s Life

Kody Brown’s Mood Swings Make Him A Difficult Person

Kody doesn’t know how to be happy. He’s always grouching and pointing the finger. Kody has trouble relaxing and just going with the flow. Why can’t he just chill out? All of his negative energy is seeping into his interactions with Robyn and making her miserable. Yes, she loves him, but that doesn’t mean that she appreciates his moodiness and pessimism. Kody’s a Capricorn and they aren’t exactly known for their sunny temperaments. A Capricorn in a mood is like a dark storm cloud marring a clear blue sky.

Robyn’s said that Kody’s hard to live with and that’s an understatement. His ego is blocking him from realizing what’s painfully obvious to everyone else on earth – Kody deserved to lose Meri, Janelle and Christine. He had it coming. Year after year, he neglected those poor women, draining the romance and fun right out of their lives. Now, he’s doing the same to wife number four. Yes, Robyn’s his dainty “queen,” but his own entitlement issues make him a very flawed regent. Like history’s most tyrannical kings, Kody takes his problems out on the people around him – even his true love, Robyn.

7 Robyn Brown Couldn’t Keep My Sisterwife’s Closet Afloat

Did Kody Brown Make Her Lose Focus?

When Robyn took over My Sisterwife’s Closet, she had high hopes. Back when she was active on Instagram (before the haters provoked her to go “radio silent”), Robyn used to promote the company’s jewelry. She designed the pieces. While her taste was dubious, there was definitely a market for what she was selling. Sister Wives gets good ratings. The season 18 premiere had the highest premiere ratings ever for the show.

Robyn seemed to give up on the business venture that she loved so much. Was Kody the problem? He’s a high-maintenance man who constantly needs to be catered to. He’s almost childlike in terms of needing a woman to take care of him. Kody wants all of Robyn’s love and attention and that means that she has to do a lot for him. She has a big and fancy house to take care of and Robyn also needs to look after their kids. As well, she must deal with the overgrown child that she married.

It’s no surprise that Robyn lost focus. With My Sisterwife’s Closet, there were real opportunities, but Robyn seemingly lacked follow-through. With the burden of dealing with Kody’s moods and bitterness on her plate, she may have felt that running a business was just too much. Robyn should have delegated, sharing the tasks with her fellow sister wives, whom she claimed she cared about. Instead, she took over – look at the company now! The website is just in limbo. There’s nothing happening.

Kody’s probably the real reason why things didn’t work out. He’s so fond of Robyn’s ultra-feminine ways. Perhaps he prefers a woman who doesn’t work except in the home. That’s entirely possible.

6 Kody Brown Waited Too Long To “Convert” To Monogamy

Robyn Brown Probably Wanted Monogamy Long Ago

While Sister Wives season 18 was airing, Robyn was letting the world know that she wanted monogamy with Kody. She was talking about that offscreen – she said that she thought Kody would be disrespectful if he took another wife. Since she said that publicly, chances are excellent that she’s been trying to make their relationship monogamous for years. Even if she didn’t spell it out, Robyn, the queen of passive-aggression, would have found a way to get her point across. She has her ways.

So, the fact that Kody hung in there (staying in the plural marriage until three wives ran for the hills) may have made Robyn unhappy. Kody might have thought he’d win Robyn’s respect by continuing to practice polygamy. Robyn probably wanted the grand romantic gesture i.e. him telling all the other wives that he didn’t love them. He never got to this point – the women had to leave.

Now, he’s angry that they left and that must rankle Robyn. She probably thought he’d be elated. While he could be pretending to care, there’s a chance that he’s upset for real. That might be because he’s lost his identity as the big-time patriarch. That identity is more than a sense of self – it’s also tied to his finances. Kody might be wondering if it’ll be harder to make money as a monogamous man. The dynamic is so new to him. Even though he stopped being romantic with his three now-exes years ago, he was still technically in a plural marriage. Now, he’s not.

5 Kody Brown’s Changed & The New Kody’s Totally Jaded

Kody Brown’s Cynical & Has A Chip On HIs Shoulder

Montage of Sister Wives's Robyn and Kody Brown

Kody wasn’t so jaded and cynical when the show started. In fact, he used to encourage viewers to “multiply” their love. At this stage, he can barely handle the demands of one woman (Robyn), much less a multitude. Now, Robyn’s got a hardened and grizzled husband who’s really been around the block. The bright spirit and cheery smiles that he brought to early Sister Wives seasons are long gone. Kody can’t wipe the frown off his face.

Kody’s had it with a lot of things. He’s had it with polygamy. He’s had it with feuding with some of his kids. He’s so over Coyote Pass too. He’s rejecting a lot of stuff that he used to embrace. However, simplifying doesn’t seem to make him very happy. After watching endless seasons of him preferring Robyn, it seems like he should be very content now. He has the woman of his dreams – he has a nice house, and he’s free of the complications of polygamy. However, it’s just not enough for him. He’s more irritable than he’s ever been. Maybe he didn’t know what he really wanted.

Perhaps he’ll end up leaving Robyn because his new life as a typical married man doesn’t provide enough drama. He may be secretly addicted to negative interactions. They bring some spice, but they’re also bad for him. Fighting with everyone has changed him. He’s lost his center. Nonetheless, he may start looking back and seeing the good things that are gone. Robyn could pay the price for the Brown family’s downfall.

4 Kody Brown Can’t Even Make Good Crêpes

Does Kody Brown Provide Any Domestic Backup To Robyn Brown?

kody brown crepes background sister wives wearing chefs hat

Robyn’s got a grouchy and bitter mate who can’t even cook. She dissed his

crêpes onscreen. He mixed fruit and cheese and the results were less than appetizing. Does Kody provide any kind of domestic backup? Maybe not – it’s possible that Robyn is the one who does most of the grunt work at home. Since Kody’s so steeped in the patriarchy, he may not be much help at home. It’s nice that he tried to cook, but the family had trouble choking down his creations.

3 Kody Brown May Decide To Take Another Wife

Will Kody Brown Go A-Courtin?

Robyn and Kody Brown Sister Wives high drama montage

If Kody gets restless, he may end up breaking his promise to Robyn. He’s let women down before. Right now, he’s trying to be monogamous, but he may start remembering the thrill of the hunt. When he started dating the petite brunette Robyn, he was positively giddy. If Kody decided to court a younger wife, that might crush Robyn. She enjoyed usurping the other wives, despite what she said.

Robyn did things that would obviously inflame Meri, Janelle and Christine, such as sitting right beside Kody during every family meeting. She knew full well that this would annoy them.

So, Robyn can dish it out, but she can’t take it. If Kody goes a-courtin’, he may find that he returns to an empty home. He might get served with divorce papers. If he did get so bold as to find another woman and court her, it would probably be a younger woman. Based on past experience, when he brings in a new one, he goes younger. That’s not unusual behavior for men. Since Robyn’s getting more mature, the fact that a rival is younger might really bother her.

Kody has the power to hurt Robyn – will he use that power? Probably not, but it isn’t impossible. If he finds that monogamy just isn’t providing the level of excitement that he wants, and he misses the arguments with his exes, he may stray. He may also begin to miss his identity as a polygamist – that’s what made him famous.

2 Is Kody Brown Starting To Resent Robyn?

Kody Brown May Be Storing Up Rage

Sister Wives’ Robyn Brown and Kody Brown (alongside a shushing emoji), with Christine Brown & David Woolley's wedding photos in the background

Kody loves Robyn and he probably always will. However, he isn’t as sweet and considerate as he used to be. In the past, he could use his interactions with his unloved exes to get rid of his aggression. Kody could argue with them outright, or get a rise out of them via passive-aggression, or whatever. Now, it’s just him and Robyn. How does he vent? He might take his problems out on the only wife left standing. If so, and it does sound like he’s hard on her sometimes, it could lead to a breakup. Kody needs to find healthier outlets for his anger, sadness and other troublesome emotions.

1 Would Robyn Brown Have Been Happier With Another Man?

Does Robyn Brown Ever Wonder, “What If?”

Kody Brown montage from Sister Wives kody in paid shirt looking intense

Robyn was still quite young when she got together with Kody. Yes, she was divorced and her prior marriage was reportedly very negative. However, that doesn’t mean that Kody’s a knight in shining armor. He brought her into the family and openly preferred her. The issue there is that the other wives turned on her. They should have turned on him, but human nature is such that it’s harder for a person to turn on a romantic partner than their other love interest. So, Kody actually made things very tough for Robyn in the family. She began to fight back with passive-aggressive actions, tears and more.

Would life have been better with someone else? Maybe. The plural marriage was a nightmare. Even before things hit critical mass, there were major cracks under the surface. There were trust issues and the bitterness was already there. It was grueling for everyone involved. With a different man, Robyn could have avoided a lot of emotional turmoil and hassle.

Robyn chose Kody – did she do that for practical reasons? Kody brought security to her life. She didn’t have to work anymore. Robyn could explore other interests rather than being tethered to a full-time job. She was freed from a lot of hardship and work. Being with Kody wasn’t that bad back then – he wasn’t as grouchy as he is now. Nonetheless, it wasn’t all a skip in the park.

Sister Wives star Robyn might have found someone different who wanted only her. Another scenario is that she might have found a plural marriage where the other wives weren’t stealth enemies. A lot of things could have happened that might have made her happier than she is now. The die is cast, but Robyn may occasionally have regrets. Did Kody ruin her life? She’d probably say no, but he certainly hasn’t made it easy.

Sister Wives Latest Poster TV Show

Sister Wives

Sister Wives season 18 cast members include Kody, Robyn, Christine, Meri and Janelle Brown. Some of the Brown kids also make appearances, including Paedon and Gabriel Brown.

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by extreme hd iptv

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